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Contact Us

A variety of local information is available from the Parish Council and you are welcome to contact our Clerk Barry Riley or any Councillor for more information. To view any formal documents such as meeting Agenda’s, Minutes and documents specific to the meeting, please look under the The Parish Council tab in the menu. You may also use the Contact Form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Call: 07719 797 072


Please note the Clerk works approx. 7.5 hours per week.

Many issues that need dealing with by Leeds City Council, such as fly tipping, blocked drains, street lights not working, pot holes in the road, rubbish and recycling issues, etc, can be reported using the Council’s Do It Online page. This can be done either by creating an account or anonymously, and is the fastest way to report the problem. To report a problem and to be re-directed to the Do It Online page, please click here.